
Sept 30

We survived September! Tomorrow, about half the class will be at the Cross Country Meet. The students who are participating have already received the homework that they are expected to complete by Thursday.

Tomorrow is also hot lunch. I will send the lunches home with a sibling if your child is away to cross country or out sick.

PLEASE SEND KLEENEX if you haven't already... something is coming around! I am sanitizing the desks daily, but with coughing and sneezing, colds are still being passed around!

1. RD 15 min
2. SP Unit 4 WP #1,2
3. Math w/s
4. I Believe rough draft

PLEASE sign the math & spelling tests if you haven't done so already.



Sept 26

What a great day today! In spite of the rain and the dreary weather outside, our hearts were full and bright as the class went to confession today! We also spent an hour in prayer with Jesus at the church.

We had a FITNESS-a-thon assembly today. We are re-working the walk-a-thon this year to do fun stations that encourage fitness on school grounds... dance-a-thon, skip-a-thon, dribble-a-thon are just some of the fun stations that we will be participating in!

TIME: 10- 12 (starts right after Friday Mass) Early dismissal at NOON.

Timelines are due on MON.
Please take the time to tell your child some stories they might not remember, such as first word, when they walked, family trips. I will have them present their timelines in front of the class.

We have discussed criteria in the class. I told them that I am looking for
- 8 pictures (photos or coloured drawing)
-short sentences or phrases to go with it (can written on the back)
-coloured letters and overall neatness



Sept 25

Confessions tomorrow

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Math w/s
3. Good Copy--My Family
4. Connections

Liam star student sheet due tomorrow
Hot lunch forms due tomorrow


Sept 24

Today we went on our Terry Fox walk. Thanks for sending in the coins! We hope to make a difference in finding a cure for cancer. I'm sure most of you know someone who is or was afflicted with this terrible disease. It does not discriminate, no matter what age, sex or ethnicity.

This Friday is our Adoration and Confession day. Please talk to your child about it. We will prepare in class tomorrow with an Examination of Conscience and look at the steps to making a good Confession.

If you tried to buy hot lunch on line last night, you might have noticed  that our class was not on the list. It is there now! If you are ordering by paper, please send it in by Friday! No late orders allowed!

1. Rd 15 mins
2. Math w/s
3. Sp Unit 3- Challenges
4. Current Events-- Environment


Sept 23

Liam is our star student this week!
He is special because:
- he is funny
- he is very kind
- he is a fast runner

Tomorrow is our Annual Terry Fox Run. We are collecting coins for the cause. The class who raise the most will win a popcorn party!

Hot lunch forms were handed out today. THEY ARE DUE BACK THIS FRIDAY!

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Math pg 25-26
3. Sp Unit 3- WP
4. Sci- Honeycomb questions

-- Confession is on Fri
-- Liam sheets are due on Fri


Sept 22

It's Week 4! By now routines are set and expectations have been practiced. I still have to remind some of them to DOUBLE space their work in their notebooks (This means skip a line!). It helps me to do corrections for them. The only time we don't double space is when it's a good copy or otherwise stated.

On Friday, I gave out a timeline where they need to write a sentence about a memory or an even that happened to them in every year they have been alive (8 boxes!) They can draw a picture to go with it or glue a picture down. They will need to ask you about those milestones in the very early years. This is due on SEPT 29.

Congratulations to all our Cross Country participants! We are so proud of you! The homework was given to them before they left for the meet.

1. RD 15 minutes
2. Math pg 13, 17 & 18
3. Sp Unit 3 WTW
4. Family-- Rough Draft

I also collected the Now & Then booklets for the Butter page-- we made butter last Friday! Some students were asking for "the recipe". We put whipping cream in a jar with some salt and shook it until we got clumps of butter (the fat separates from the milk to make the clumps). Drain the milk and the solid that is left is yummy butter! Enjoy! I made it on the weekend with my kids and they loved serving it for dinner!


Sept 18

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Sentences w/s
3. Math pg 11 & 12-- quiz tom.
4. Star student sheets due tom


If your child does not have their black duotang, please check the sidebar for this week's list!


Sept 17

Please check your child's homework. I have noticed these last few days that students have been "forgetting" to bring home work or return the work to class. Some students thought that since I asked them to put work in their desk during the day, then they did not have to do it! FOR NOW, all homework on the board must be written in the planner and brought home (except for Math workbooks if the work is complete). I do not collect work ahead of time as I might misplace it!

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Getting to Know Me-- good copy
3. Sp CH #1-3
4. Math pg 9-10


Sept 16

1. Rd 15 minutes
2. CE-- Canada questions
3. Sp Unit 2- WP #1-3 (please send this section back tomorrow so we can mark it)
4. Math pg 7&8

We are still doing +4 addition facts this week. Practice, practice, practice!

We also started Star Student this week. |Each student will get to be the star of the week and we will create a book for them to take home. They are also allowed to bring in a show and tell on their week.

Our star student this week is Samuel.
His classmates think he is special because:
-- he is kind
-- he is fun to play with
-- he has an awesome personality
We celebrate you!


Sept 15

Happy Monday! The routines are coming along really well. It feels like we've been in class for longer than just two weeks!
 Today's Homework:
1. Rd 15 minutes
2. Math pg 6
3. Getting to Know Me-- Rough Draft
4. Sp Unit 2- WTW
5. Sign Math & Sp tests-- Do correction

Picture Day on Friday-- MUST BE IN FULL UNIFORM-- No gym strip necessary


Sept 12

Happy Birthday to Savannah! 

Today, we had a spelling test, math quiz (on the homework we have been doing all week) and adding with 4's drill.They will be sent home next week to get signed.

Just a few reminders for the weekend:

--Book orders are due on Thurs. Sept 18
--Picture day is on Fri


Sept 11

Mass tomorrow. Please have red sweaters and vests.

Please check your child’s homework. If they are coming home daily without any homework, ask them to bring home work to show you, or you are welcome to come in the class to see their work. Anything on the homework board is due the following day, unless specified otherwise. This is a routine that some are just getting used to. 

The Classroom Pledge page has been updated! Check  it out!

1. RD  15 minutes
2. Mirror, Mirror good copy
3. SS- Clearing the land

Important Dates:                                      
Sept 19: Picture Day
Sept 24: Terry Fox Walk
Sept 26: Class Confession & Adoration (1-2pm)


Sept 10

Please return any unsold Entertainment books to the school. Tomorrow is check in day. Send in any orders/money you have.

LABEL everything! This includes non-uniform jackets and hoodies as they get misplaced.

1. RD for 15 minutes
2. Spelling Unit 1- CH #1-3
3. Math pg 3
4. The 5 B’s of… (Reading Comp)

Important Dates:                                      
Sept 19: Picture Day
Sept 24: Terry Fox Walk


Sept 4

1. RD for 15 minutes
2. Superhero (All About Me sheet)
3. SS. Title Page (due Tues… we will work in class on it)

Food Bank Mass tomorrow
PE tomorrow

Important Dates:                                      
Sept 9: Back to School BBQ- please return RSVP sheets with oldest child
Sept 19: Picture Day
Sept 24: Terry Fox Walk


Sept 3

Please check your child's backpack for the entertainment books that were sent home today.

No homework, but they are encouraged to read for 15 minutes.

PE tomorrow! Don't forget your gym strip!


Sept. 2, 2014

How blessed I feel being back in the classroom today, amidst all the strife in the public education system. Thank you for choosing CCS. I am so excited to have the opportunity to be teaching this class this year. I have a welcome letter and schedule that will be sent home tomorrow. We don’t have gym tomorrow (Wed) so they don’t need their gym strips. We do have lunch tomorrow so please pack snack and lunch.

Important Dates:                                      
Sept 9: Back to School BBQ- please look at the flyer that will be sent home tomorrow for details
Top Marks fitting and exchange at 6pm