It's Week 4! By now routines are set and expectations have been practiced. I still have to remind some of them to DOUBLE space their work in their notebooks (This means skip a line!). It helps me to do corrections for them. The only time we don't double space is when it's a good copy or otherwise stated.
On Friday, I gave out a timeline where they need to write a sentence about a memory or an even that happened to them in every year they have been alive (8 boxes!) They can draw a picture to go with it or glue a picture down. They will need to ask you about those milestones in the very early years. This is due on SEPT 29.
Congratulations to all our Cross Country participants! We are so proud of you! The homework was given to them before they left for the meet.
1. RD 15 minutes
2. Math pg 13, 17 & 18
3. Sp Unit 3 WTW
4. Family-- Rough Draft
I also collected the Now & Then booklets for the Butter page-- we made butter last Friday! Some students were asking for "the recipe". We put whipping cream in a jar with some salt and shook it until we got clumps of butter (the fat separates from the milk to make the clumps). Drain the milk and the solid that is left is yummy butter! Enjoy! I made it on the weekend with my kids and they loved serving it for dinner!