What a great day today! In spite of the rain and the dreary weather outside, our hearts were full and bright as the class went to confession today! We also spent an hour in prayer with Jesus at the church.
We had a FITNESS-a-thon assembly today. We are re-working the walk-a-thon this year to do fun stations that encourage fitness on school grounds... dance-a-thon, skip-a-thon, dribble-a-thon are just some of the fun stations that we will be participating in!
TIME: 10- 12 (starts right after Friday Mass) Early dismissal at NOON.
Timelines are due on MON.
Please take the time to tell your child some stories they might not remember, such as first word, when they walked, family trips. I will have them present their timelines in front of the class.
We have discussed criteria in the class. I told them that I am looking for
- 8 pictures (photos or coloured drawing)
-short sentences or phrases to go with it (can written on the back)
-coloured letters and overall neatness