Our choir is singing at the 11am mass, followed by pancake breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus. The school will be open from 12:30-2:30 with demonstrations and activities in the various classrooms. Ours will be at 12:45 in the Grade Three class :) As well as free popcorn provided by our Christian Servers. Hope to see you most of you there.
The blue re-registration forms that went home need to be handed back in with a $50 re-registration fee per family not per child. Please hand these forms in as soon as possible.
We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week, with Silly hat/hair day on Tuesday and silly socks/shoes on Wednesday.
No spelling next week due to a very short week. We will resume the bible readings on Monday as we only got through a few today. Just a reminder that poems will be recited in class on Feb 10.
Please send skating permission slips and rental fees back to school. A letter of correction went home stating that skate rentals are now $3.25 per visit and helmets are $1.75 per visit. If your child needs both for both sessions, it will be $10 total.