We are working on organization skills! Some students have had their "desk contents" put in a bin as the inside of their desk was a mess! When they can prove that they can put papers away properly and keep their bins clean, they can have their things back inside their desks. We are also working on organizing our time. Below you will notice that the homework has different due dates. I explained to them the importance of using our time wisely. Start with the assignments that we started in class and that are due the next day. Please ensure that their assignments are not left at home so that they can work on them in class during work time.
Wednesday is Dress Up like a Book Character Day.
1. Sp Unit 16 (WTW #1-5, WP #2,3, CH#1-3) Due Thurs
2. Adj w/s (pgs 40-43) due Wed
3. Math w/s due TOM.
4. Food poem good copy due TOM
5. Sp Unit 15 corrections due TOM