Passion Projects: Students have handed in their rough draft of written work. The next step is different for each student. They need to decide how they are going to present this information. They can type it out and hand in a report, do a poster project, a speech, skit (video taped), gallery, etc...etc.... It is very open ended. I will talk with each student about their choices this week. Next week, they will need to bring materials to work on the project in school. This remains to be an IN-SCHOOL PROJECT. There may be small parts that can be done at home if we don't have the equipment needed at school. FINAL DUE DATE is still TBA but I project first week of June.
French Play: We have been learning the play POULE MABOULE (Chicken Little). We have broken up into groups and each group must present the play to video tape. This week is rehearsal. We will begin taping next Thursday and Friday.
We have a field trip to Fort Langley scheduled for May 31. A permission slip will be sent home this week.
CROWNING OF MARY on WED, please bring ONE flower for Mary.
May 12-- Annual General Meeting in the Parish Center 7PM
May 15-- Uniform fitting (email the company for a specific time)
May 19-- Rodeo themed non-uniform day
May 23-- No school- Victoria Day
1. Province project due tomorrow
2. Math w/s and perimeter art
3. Letter W & B in (Charlotte's Web ABC book)
4. Novel study Ch 2& 3 q's
5. Sp Unit 23 (WTW #1-3, WP #1-3, CH # 1,3,4) or List 5