
Please read

Please read! I forgot to send this notice home, you can email me if you are wanting to come or wait for the notice. I will send it home Monday.


Dear Families:

Thank you for returning the permission slips for our field trip to Fort Langley. If your child has not handed it in, please do so immediately, as we need to confirm our numbers, along with their $5 fee. We are asking for parent volunteers who are able to drive us on that day. Please indicate on the bottom of this sheet if you are able to come, how many students you can drive and if you have the appropriate forms filed in the office. There is still time to get those forms if you need to.

Please note that according to the province of BC all children under the age of 9 or height of 4’9 MUST HAVE A BOOSTER SEAT. For liability and insurance purposes, if you are not driving your own child, please provide a BOOSTER SEAT for the volunteer parent driver. Children under the age or 12 should be seated in the back seats.

Thank you so much for your help!

Mrs. Fonseca & Miss Losito
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this section by TUESDAY, MAY 17
Family name: ______________________________________
   Yes! I would like to come and supervise for the day.
       Criminal record check done and filed in the office

       I can drive students and have _____________ seats

       Volunteer driver form completed and filed in the office