Please check your child's folder for your student led time. Let me know if the time does not work for you. There is some flexibility in re-arranging if necessary.
Next week, we pick up with spelling again. You might see that your child might be doing different letter sounds/blends as we did an assessment again to end term 2 and there was a shuffling of groups.
The Grade 3s have also started with multiplication. On Monday, I will send home a package of flashcards to practice. We will start with multiplying 2's as our math drills next week (we call this doubling the digit).
The Grade 2's will continue with subtraction facts, If I feel that they have mastered this, then we will challenge them with some multiplication facts.
As noted on the field trip forms, we will be going skating on Feb 27. We will leave the school at 11:45 and would appreciate any volunteers who want to walk with us and help tie skates!