
Feb 7

What a beautiful sight it was this morning to see the snow covered field! The students had a great time playing in it. Please ensure that your child is dressed to play outside.

Tomorrow is a UNIFORM day but students are encouraged to wear crazy socks and shoes.

Grade 2 parents, please read the information below from Sister Mary Bethany. A blue text book for First Communion will be sent home tomorrow home along with a package that we encourage you to complete with your child.

If you still have a Reconciliation book at home, please return to school asap!

Hi Parents!!

I wanted  to let you know about an upcoming "homework" assignment. Do you remember in the fall how you read a chapter a day with your child from the purple book about Reconciliation?

Well, we are now 85 days away from First Communion (yes, the count-down has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)  and it is time for your child to be engaging you in conversation about this upcoming momentous milestone!

I will be sending home an eight-chapter book called God's Gift: Eucharist as well as a packet with questions about each chapter/topic, most of which can be found in the book, the others of which I am hoping your child will have gleaned from lessons in class this year. The packet concludes with a little interview of faith for your child to conduct with you!

Would you mind reading through this book with your child and completing the packet of questions when you have time, perhaps one chapter a week? I'd love for your child to be able to read and share discussion with you before First Communion! Maybe next week (with two days off) and spring break might afford some extra time for reading
which is why I'm sending it home now.

The packets are of course for writing answers down but please do not write in the books and do return them once you are finished so that we can use them again next year.

I really appreciate your involvement in your child's growing faith and 
prayer life!!

With gratitude and prayers,