
Nice Meeting You!

Thank you to those who came to Meet the Teacher last night to "officially" meet me and see our classroom. I hope you found the evening informative. To those parents who were unable to make it, don't worry! A package is in your child's homework folder for you to peruse at your own time. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or call me at the school.

Today's Homework:

1. Read for 15 minutes
2. Math worksheet
3. Personal planning worksheet
4. Spelling Challenges (p4-5, #1,2,3,7)

-Morning Offering Quiz on Friday (Words are found under Prayers to know)
-Spelling Quiz on Friday
-Math Quiz (Odd & Even, Fill in the blank) on Friday
-Hot Lunch forms are due on Friday
AND we have Mass on Friday...

WOW! Friday is a busy day :)