Here we are! Week 3 in Grade 3!
We are now enjoying some routines in the classroom and the students are starting to see what is expected and do it without multiple reminders. There have been some questions about the spelling program though. The expectations are as follows:
Monday: Write the Words
Tuesday: Word Power
Wednesday: Challenges
Thursday: Home Study of the words
Friday: Test at school
If your child wants to work ahead and get all the activities done on the first day, then they are more than welcome to do so.
In their planners, it says that we are going to have a Religion Quiz on Chapter 1 on Friday. I am moving this to next week, because we have Confessions next week and want to make sure the students know their Act of Contrition (glued into their planners). Please concentrate on the prayer instead.
1. Rd for 15 minutes
2. Sp WP
3. Math w/s
4. Good copy-- Getting to Know Me