
December 7

Counting down the days until Christmas break!!! Everything is fast paced and it feels like we are working on fast forward, as we prepare for the Christmas concert. Dress rehearsal is next Monday so please ensure that your child brings their costume to school on that day. Tuesday is show day with a matinee at 1pm and the evening show at 7pm.

This Wednesday is Christmas sweater or Christmas colour non-uniform day! (YAY!) Next Wednesday is pajama day (double YAY!)

I will be away on retreat this Thursday and Friday, but Mr. Mullins will be in as my sub along with Mrs. Wong. Weekly progress reports will not be sent home this week.

No spelling this week (or next week!). We will resume with spelling activities and tests in January!

1. Novel study- CH 1-3 vocab
2. Novel study- CH 4 questions
3. Current Events- New PM q's
4. Current Events- map q's


Nov 30

Happy Advent! We have started talking about the true meaning of Christmas. While the bustle and excitement of Christmas trees, elves and reindeer are alluring to children (and grown ups!), we are  concentrating on the joy of Jesus. 

Below is a message from Mrs. Mar's blog regarding costumes for our Christmas concert (Dec 15).
Grade 3:  Angels.  I would like some cool looking angels.  If we could wear white or beige pants or leggings with a white T-shirt.  Please bling your children with silver garland around their waist or necklaces of silver.

Important Dates for December:
Dec. 2- Advent Assembly
Dec. 4- Food Bank Mass
Dec. 9- Advent Assembly
Dec 15- Christmas Concert date (more info to follow)
Dec 16- Advent Assembly- Pajama Day
Dec 18- Noon Dismissal (Start of Christmas break!)

1. Sp-- Christmas List (due FRI)
2. Math w/s
3. Math test signed/corrections
4. Comm. Skills pgs. 27,29,31& 32 (due THUR)


Nov 25

In the past two months, we have been doing Discovery afternoons with Grades 3-5. While the activities have been fun and engaging, one of the things we hope to cultivate is the environment of critical and creative thinking. Today's activity was creating something useful with material given. we did not give a lot of direction, just time and materials. They had such wonderful ideas, please ask your child about their invention! 

Report cards went home today. Please take the time to read it with your child. A letter explaining the new format was included to highlight the new features of reporting and assessment. I have also included a sheet to encourage parents to come up with a goal you want your child to achieve this coming term. Return this sheet tomorrow morning or bring it with you to your three way conference so we can have a conversation about it. 

Please check your time and come on time as our schedules are tight and do not allow for a lot of leeway. If your time does not suit you, please let me know ASAP.

No school Friday due to more conferences! 

We have a plurals quiz and addition re-grouping quiz tomorrow. 

1. Sp Unit 10 -due tomorrow
2. Math w/s
3. Religion-Apostle's Cree (pg3-5)
4. Current Events- Earthquakes


Nov 20

What a crazy and busy week! We had a wonderful hour with the Lord today, as we got the opportunity to have Adoration and Confession this afternoon. I always enjoy watching the expression on their faces as they walk out of the confessional. It is a mixture of relief and pure happiness. I remember being scared to go in to confession as a young child and can sympathize with my students who feel that way, but coming out, you can see the joy they have as their sins have been forgiven. I encourage you to take your child during the season of Advent, in preparation for Christmas, as we will not have that opportunity as a class.

A few homework notices were sent home today for missed assignments. Please check with your child if they received a "pink slip" as they are to be signed and returned with the missing homework.

Three-way conference times were sent home yesterday. Please let me know if there is a problem with the time you were scheduled as soon as possible. The Thursday is all filled up but we can always meet on a different day.

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!


Nov 17

Three-way conferences are next week. These are the ones where teacher-student-parent sit together to make goals for the following term. Please ensure that you have handed in  your family form to request a time slot. The conferences are on Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning. There will be no school on Friday.

Tomorrow is non uniform day-- sports jersey/sport t-shirt.

1. Math w/s (due tom)
2. Sp Unit 9 due FRI
3. author letter (due tom.)
4. Clothing now and then (due FRI)
5. Space poster due THURS


Nov 16

This Friday is our Adoration and Confession. I encourage the students to go through the examination of conscience with their bedtime prayers We are also learning the Apostle's Creed and we are making a small booklet in class to help memorize the words.

Sport jersey day on WED.
It is a non uniform day and students are encouraged to wear any sport jersey or anything that represents their sport or favourite sport team.

1. Math w/s
2. Sp Unit 9 (due FRI)
     --WTW p. 41 #1-4
     -- WP p.42 #1-3
     -- CH p. 43 #1-3
3. Plurals (page 4,5,6)
4. Sci--interactive notebook
5. Comm Skills p 14-18

Space poster due Thurs
Rachel-- star due FRI


Nov 13

We are winding down our first term learning outcomes in preparation for report cards at the end of the month. It has come to my attention that in math, some students were having difficulties with the concept of rounding (to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000). We spent a bit more time on it this week, and we are moving on to addition next week. We will revisit rounding again later in the year.

There is a space poster mini-project due next Thursday, but we are working on this in class.  I have signed out the school chromebooks next week for the students to use during science.

Book reports were done really well and will be sent home on Monday. Thank you for taking the time to help your child out.

Have a great weekend!


Nov 10

I am so proud of the class for reading so well at the assembly today. It marked a solemn occasion, to remember our troops. We had two veterans who came and talked to the school about their time in service.

There are a few students who need to write the rosary re-test this Friday. Those who received an NYW (Not yet within expectations) and MM (minimally meets expectations), need to retest. Please email me if you have not seen your child's test and need to know their mark. The tests were sent home yesterday.

1. SP Unit 8 (due FRI)
WTW #1-4
WP #1-4
CH #1-3
2. Current Events- Lest We Forget
3. Leighla- star sheet (due FRI)
4. Sci- Jupiter questions and facts


Nov 4

Thank you to the moms who came in today to work on our Christmas bazaar craft. They are super cute! I'm sure the order forms will be sent home shortly. We enjoyed over two hours of work time this morning while the craft was being done, hopefully your child used the time wisely and have very minimal homework!

Friday is our Rosary test!

1. Sp Unit 7 due FRI
2. Saint paragraph- good copy
3. Math w/s
4. Ramona ch 7-9 q's- due FRI
5. Comm skills pg 8-10

Upcoming dates:
Nov 10- Remembrance Day assembly at 11am
Nov 11- Remembrance Day- no school
Nov 18- Fall non uniform day
Nov 25- Report cards go home
Nov 26- Three way conferences (3-8pm)
Nov 27- Three way conferences (9am-12pm)


Nov 3

Tomorrow we are doing the Christmas craft at 9:30. If you can come and help please let me know.

Due to the amount of candy, treats and tummy aches we have been getting, please help your child to choose one treat for snack and one for lunch so that they do not bring a large amount to school. Please ensure also that the treats coming are peanut/nut free as to keep our classroom safe for all. Thank you!

1. Sp Unit 7 due FRI
2. Peace is...
3. Practice +8
4. Math w/s
5. SS- Houses then and now


Nov 2

Today we started praying for the souls of our loved ones who have passed away. Please spend a few minutes discussing the special people you would like to pray for and help them fill in their sheet. If you don't have anyone to name, souls in purgatory will be sufficient. 

Book challenge sheets were due last Friday. I still have a few overdue. Book reports are due on Friday. If your child is done, they can bring it in already.

We are collecting food for St. Vincent de Paul (from Halloween) and candy for Agape ministries. Please send donations in by Friday.

Our class is in charge of the Remembrance Day ceremony next Tuesday. Feel free to join us in the gym at 11am. 

1. Sp. Unit 7 due Fri 
    -WTW p. 31 #1-4
    - WP p. 32 # 1-4
    - CH p. 33 # 1-3
2. Math w/s
3. Pigeon writing & illustration
4. Rel-- people to pray for
5. Houses now & then (due Wed)


Oct 28

Some classroom moms are coming to the class on Nov 4 at 9:30 am. It should take about an hour. Please email me if you can to come and help.

Today we started "Discovery" time with Grades 3-5. It was an wonderful afternoon with activities where the students had to show teamwork and cooperation, as well as problem solving in various ways. This leads in to the new curriculum with project based learning. It was amazing to see the Grade threes step up and work with the older kids and see that they can contribute their ideas. If there are any special talents or hobbies that you would like to share with our Discovery time, please let me know and we can set up a time where you can come in and help teach it (knitting, wreath making, crafts, etc). 

We also did a review of the Rosary. Our big unit test is Nov 6.

Tomorrow is photo retake day!

1. Sp number words worksheet due tomorrow,
2. Math pg 180 & 181
3. Ramona-traits


Oct 26

Friday is our annual All Saints Dress Up and celebration. I know it is a busy time with putting costumes together  and such. Here is a link with some easy do-it-yourself saint costumes.


This week's spelling list is NOT in the textbook. Upon closer inspection with our math work, I think it would be wise to focus on spelling number words. Please ensure that you have seen your child's worksheets. The work was given today and will be due Thursday.

The Book Challenge sheet is due on Friday. Please let me know if you need another copy ASAP.

1. Sp Number words-- due Thurs
2. Math pg 50-51
3. Knuffle Bunny Free-- Setting and Character
4. One time I lost...


Oct 22

Just in case your child has not reminded you : NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!

I apologize! A notice from the PFG was supposed to go home today and in the frenzy of cleaning up, I forgot to sent it out. Here is the message:

The parent fundraising group (PFG) is having Derek Christo come talk to us. It'll be a great opportunity to find out more about where our fundraising efforts go in supporting our school! Please join us in the grade 7 classroom on Monday, Oct 26 at 7:30 pm. If you have any special questions or concerns you'd like him to answer please email the PFG via the office. (I don't want to publish a parent's email on my public blog!)

1. Book challenge due Oct 30
2. Book report due Nov 6
3. Rosary Test Nov 6


Oct 20

What a great discussion about elections we had today! The excitement was wonderful to see in these future leaders! Can you believe that in 20-30 years, these are going to be our decision makers and leaders!

We started our author study on Mo Wilhem, one of my favourite. He is the author of Elephant and Piggie series, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and Knuffle Bunny. He will be our author for Oct- November. We will try and do an author study every two months.

1. Kuffle Bunny parag
2. Math pg 46-47
3. Sp Unit 5 due Thurs
4. Clearing and Harvesting (Now and Then pages for Socials) due Thurs
5. 3 tests signed (spelling, math, religion)

Scholastic book orders due on Oct 27


Oct 19

Please remember there is a Pro D day on Friday-- No school!

We did a mock election in class and will announce our class winner tomorrow. Don't be surprised if they want to watch the news tonight :)

1. Math w/s
2. Rel- Glorious Mysteries
3. Sci- Venus questions
4. Election questions
5. Sp Unit 5--DUE THURS



THIS WEEK IS UNIT 4, NOT UNIT 5 (which was in the planner!) SORRY!

Oct 15

Tomorrow is our class mass. The students who have speaking parts have been given their parts to practice on Tuesday. Those who do not have a pert in this Mass, will be given a part in the subsequent class Masses. There are only about eight participants per Mass.

We started a new challenge with our pencils. In an effort to be aware of the school supplies we have, we have numbered the pencils and students have been given their student number. If they are able to keep their pencils until the end of the day, they earn Fonseca bucks. It has been wonderful! I am no longer picking up pencils off the floor after school every day. We have been able to refrain from sharpening thirty pencils every other day! The next thing to tackle is our pencil crayons!

1. Sp Unit 4 due tom (It was assigned on Tuesday!)
2. Math w/s (we are now working on standard form/expanded form/written words)
3. Rel prayer test (morning offering)
4. Homework excuses (good copy-- due Mon)

Picture Orders are due tomorrow
Scholastic October book orders are due on Oct 27.


Oct. 13

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! It always amazes me how quick we get to this time of the year. Christmas is just around the corner.

Please remember:
Morning Offering quiz is on Friday!
O Jesus,
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world.
I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart.

Tomorrow is our Rosary assembly. Please bring a rosary to school. 

1. Math pg 36-37
2. Sp Unit 4 (activities due Fri)
3. Novel study- Ch 6 questions
Please sign spelling tests and math quiz


Fall List-- Test on Thursday, Oct 8

1. fall
2. leaf
3. rain
4. wind
5. rake
6. change
7. brisk
8. October
9. harvest
10. hayride
11. leaves
12. autumn
13.  sweater
14. changing
15. pumpkin
16. scarecrow
17. November
18. migration
19. squirrel
20. squash

Oct 6

Please send the pledge amount with your child tomorrow. We are doing a class tally.

1. Math w/s
2. Religion- joyful mysteries
3. Novel Study- Ch 5
4. Sp Fall unit due Thurs


Oct 5

Today your child was given a Book Challenge reading log and an October book report sheet. Please have a look at the sheets with your child. The Book challenge is to read 15 books this month. There are different categories they have to fill. It can be a mix of picture/easy books and chapter books/novels. They can use their silent reading time in class to help fill in the chart. The book report is added to the sidebar links. They are to choose one of the novel/chapter books from their book challenge to use for their book report. The book challenge sheet is due on OCT 30 and the book report is due NOV 6.

Friday is the fitness-a-thon. Students are asked to come to school in their gym strip. The activities begin right after mass. Hot lunch will be served at 11:45 and students are dismissed at noon.

There are corrections on the updated email/phone number list. A new list will be sent home tomorrow. Please double check your info and let me know of any changed ASAP. (You can throw out the green sheet and the pink sheet. I will print the updated one on orange!)

1. Math pg 33-34
2. Current Events- Thanksgiving
3. Spelling-- special "Fall" list (please see worksheets for activities)

Spelling test will be on Thursday this week.


Sept 30

Happy last day of September! We did a class tally of our fitness-a-thon pledges so far and we are at $575.25, a little less than half our goal, which is $1240. Keep up the great work everyone!

Hot lunch forms are due on Friday. This is hot lunch for Fitness-a-thon provided by Goode Eats not the on-line orders from The Lunch Lady.

1. Math worksheeet
2. Sp unit 3- CH


Sept 29

Please check your child's bag for an updated email/phone number list that now includes the whole class.

A word about our fitness-a-thon:
Our 2nd ever “Fitness-a-thon” kicked off with a fun assembly last week.  This week we are looking forward to our first pledge tally daytomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 30th.  All students will be asked to inform their teacher of their pledge total so far so we can begin to measure our progress towards our school goal.  We will be having our 2nd Fitness-a-thon” assembly tomorrow to announce results so far and learn about this year’s prizes!

1. Math pg 25-26 (#1-7)
2. Sp Unit 3 Word Power (#1-3)
3. Sp test corrections and sign
4. Friends definitions


Sept 23

Today your child is bringing home their spelling test and math quiz. Please have them make any corrections, sign it and return to school. I will keep all tests and quizzes on file. We also need to make sure their spelling test books are back at school for Friday's quiz.

Friday is PICTURE DAY. Please make sure they bring their red sweaters.

A pledge form went home today for our fitness-a-thon on Oct 9. I did not send the accompanying letter home that explains this fundraising venture. I will make sure it gets home tomorrow! Sorry for the mix up!

1. Math pg 11-12
2. Sci title page
3. Sp Unit 2-- Challenges (#1-3)


Sept 21

Congratulations to our friends who went to the cross country meet today! Way to go!

We did pack their work before leaving so that they didn't miss much. The rest of our afternoon was pretty much work time, so most of the students should have very light homework if at all.

Terry Fox walk is on Wednesday, we ask each family to bring in a twoonie.

Confession and Adoration on Friday.

Scholastic book orders are due on Sept 30. For orders received through our class, we get bonus bucks back to use on our classroom library. You can pay by cheque (payable to Scholastic Canada) or now, they offer payment online with your credit card! I will activate this feature and send out instructions on how to do so.

Our class is signed up for Raz-Kids this year. I will send home a letter with their login and password, as it is different from last year.

1. Math pg 7&8
2. Walking story (I am, I know, I like, I dislike-- 3 of each)
3. Sp Unit 2- WTW
4. Sci title page due Thurs (marking rubric is on the back.


Sept 18

We made it to Friday!!! Woohoo!!! It is always a little hard to get back to routines but slowly, we are getting the hang of working in Grade Three. We had our first Fonseca sale today (to purchase cun coupons) and I also introduced a list of fine-able "offences" in the classroom. For example, if they do not write their name on a piece of work, they owe me a Fonseca buck. If they need a new worksheet because they lost the first one, they owe a Fonseca buck. Most students have done really well with earning their bucks by completing homework, keeping on task and so on.

If you did not get a chance to come to the back to school BBQ, I hope you received the package I sent home with your child. I also sent home the class email/phone number list. Please let me know if you did not receive it.

Please let me know if you're still having difficulties with subscribing to the blog. I think our IT teacher has fixed it for us!

We had a math quiz and a spelling test today. They will be sent home on Monday for signing.

A few reminders for the upcoming week:

-- Library day on Monday, please return your books.
--If  your child is leaving for the Cross Country meet on Monday, they will be ready to depart from the school at 11:30. I am not expecting them to come back, so we will pack their homework.
--Terry Fox Run is on Wednesday afternoon.
-- Picture day (individual and class photo) is on Friday.

1. Science title page is due Thursday, Sept. 24

Have a great weekend!


Sept. 14

Today we started our new routines. We did some math, writing and spelling and had our first class meeting. I have asked the students to write everything on the homework board in their planner. If they finished the work in  class, they do not need to bring workbooks home. If you would like to see their work, please ask your child to bring the workbooks home.

Our routine for spelling will be one section a day until we get the routines down. In a few weeks, I will assign the unit on Monday and all activities will be due on Friday. We will also be starting addition math drills on Wednesday.

1. Math pg 1 & 2
2. All About Me R.D.
3. Sp Unit 1 WTW (pg 2 #1-4)



Sept. 10

Today your child brought home a paper bag with directions on it. They are to bring three items that represent them in some way. All three items must fit in the bag. This is due on Monday.

We don't have school on Friday because we are a workshop at Holy Cross.

1. Superhero Me
2. Paperbag project (Due Monday)




Welcome to Grade Three! What an exciting time this is! I knew I was destined to be a teacher when I was in high school. One of my favourite things to do was to shop for school supplies. In fact, it still is! When I walk into a store in August and see the rows of school supplies, I get really excited!

Your child came home today with a letter for the parents and a package of rules and expectations. Please read over the package with your child and return that to the school. A digital copy will be available on the blog. The parent letter and schedule can be kept at home. The blog is under construction right now, as I am having some difficulties with the pages. I will try and have them up and running by the end of the week!

 EARLY DISMISSALS on WED are at 2:30.

A few reminders to help your child transition this week:

--check and sign their planner daily
--encourage them to read at least 15 minutes a day to help carve out "homework time"
--early to bed! Get enough zzzz's so that they are ready and rested for the day.

1. parents to sign package, return to school



Dear Parents:

I wanted to thank you for all the thoughtful well wishes and gifts. (I am fully stocked for Starbucks,  Tim's and other restaurants, for the rest of the summer and beyond!) It has been a great year with a wonderful group of kids.

We did a writing activity entitled "I wish my teacher knew". They answered it anonymously. I was touched and humbled by the responses the students wrote. I had the opportunity to write them back with notes entitled "I wish my student knew". Now, I would like to take the opportunity to write you a short note...

I wish my Grade Three Parents knew:
--what a wonderful gift it has been to teach such an exuberant group of kids
--how unique and talented each of these kids are; they shared their own gifts with the class
--children listen and take in everything around them
--they love stories! Share life stories with them.
--what a lucky group of parents we have (myself included!) I wish you all got a chance to spend a day teaching these kids.
--how thankful I am for all your support and involvement

Have a wonderful summer!

Maria Fonseca

PS: Please feel free to unsubscribe to this blog (I won't take it personally!)


June 23

The final countdown is on...

Thursday will be our end of the year wrap up. Students are asked to bring their gym strip and towel so we can play outside with water. Water guns are permitted. Each student needs to bring their own lunch,and I will provide a chocolate sheet cake from Costco. If you would to send in a shared snack,  chips, fruit and veggies would be much appreciated!

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the home support the students and I received this school year. I always think of school as an extension of the home and grow to love each of my students and think of them as "my kids". I think this year I have felt the connection so much more, as I had my own son in the class. It has been a wonderful experience to get to spend each day with this amazing group of kids. Thank you for allowing me to be part of their learning journey. I wish you all a great summer!

I've worked with your flower,
And helped it to grow.
I'm returning it now,
But I want you to know...
This flower is precious,
As dear as can be.
Love it, take care of it,
And you will see...
A bright new bloom,
With every day.
It grew and blossomed
In such a wonderful way.
In September just a bud,
January, a bloom;
Now a lovely blossom
I'm returning in June.
Remember, this flower,
As dear as can be,
Though rightfully yours,
Part will always belong to me!


Field Trip on Monday

In case you didn't get the notice on Friday

Dear Parents:
Just a reminder, we are going on our field trip to the Vancouver Zoo on Monday, June 22. We will leave the school at 9 am. We will be spending the day at the zoo and be leaving to head back to school at 2:15pm. The group lists are listed below. If you were not chosen as a parent volunteer, please feel free to join us at the zoo. Parking on site is $6.00.

Students are asked to bring their own lunches in disposable containers and bags. Other items they should bring should include water bottles, hat, sunscreen (or jackets, boots and umbrellas if it’s raining!) Students are allowed to bring their own cameras and money but they are responsible for carrying their own belongings. There is a concession and gift shop on site, but I cannot guarantee ingredients list of items sold.

*** If your child is NOT 9 years old OR 4’9, PLEASE PROVIDE A BOOSTER SEAT if you are not driving your own child. For the safety of your child and for insurance purposes for the driver who is driving.
               ·  Under 9: required to be in booster seats with seat belts when the child is under nine years of age or until they have reached the height of 145 cm (4’9”) tall.
               ·  Youth: A properly adjusted seat belt is the last stage for anyone over 9 years age.
                 (Taken from: http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/osmv/road-safety/seatbelts.htm#childseat)

Sincerely, Mrs. Fonseca
Mrs. Fonseca
1. Jacob
2. Jackson
3. Kaleb

Mrs. Kopec
1. Julian
2. Zachary

Mrs. Sebellin
1. Mikayla
2. Mackenzie
3. Anna
4. Isabella
5. Keira
Mrs. Hiemstra
1. Lauren
2. Joshua
3. Alexander
4. Ysabella
5. Siena

Mrs. Koga/ Mrs. Baniqued
1. Liam
2. Christian
3. Samuel
4. Evelyn
5. Julia
6. Stephanie (her mom will drive her)
Mrs. Orosz
1. Hailey
2. Crissa
3. Laura
4. Grace
5. Savannah
Mrs. Vulcano
1. Daniel
2. Mateo
3. Macram
4. Christopher
5. Karch


June 10

Only 12 more school days!!! The countdown is on!!! Today was an exciting day as we released our butterflies in the wild. Of our 31 caterpillars, about 22 of them survived to be released.

Friday is the Talent Show and Parent Appreciation Tea. You are invited to join us after mass in the Parish Centre for some tea, coffee treats and entertainment. If you are there for the morning, you are welcome to take your child home BUT PLEASE SIGN THEM OUT with us first.

If your child has a summer birthday but would like to celebrate it before with the class, please let me know when they would like to have their "unbirthday" birthday and we will celebrate with a song :)

Here are some upcoming important dates:

June 12-- Term Book report DUE
June17-- Step Up Day (sniff, sob, WAAAAHHHH.. I'm really going to miss this group!)
          --  Charlotte's Web ABC book due
June 19-- CCS Circus School-- FUN DAY-- NOON DISMISSAL
June 22-- Field trip to the Zoo. Please check below for the parent volunteer driver list.
June 26-- Last Day-- Noon Dismissal

If you find textbooks at home, please send them back to the classroom so we collect them.
We also have a few outstanding library books. Please check at home for those as well. THANKS!

Mrs. Fonseca
1. Jacob
2. Jackson
3. Kaleb

Mrs. Kopec
1. Julian
2. Zachary

Mrs. Sebellin
1. Mikayla
2. Mackenzie
3. Anna
4. Isabella
5. Keira
Mrs. Hiemstra
1. Lauren
2. Joshua
3. Alexander
4. Ysabella
5. Siena

Mrs. Koga/ Mrs. Baniqued
1. Liam
2. Christian
3. Samuel
4. Evelyn
5. Julia
6. Stephanie (her mom will drive her)
Mrs. Orosz
1. Hailey
2. Crissa
3. Laura
4. Grace
5. Savannah
Mrs. Vulcano
1. Daniel
2. Mateo
3. Macram
4. Christopher
5. Karch


June 2

Happy JUNE!!!

Here it is... the final month. I can't believe that I am preparing to pass this wonderful group onto Grade Four. While we are doing a countdown to the end of the year, we still have WORK to do.

1. Brainstorm and RD of "Someday" paragraph
2. Math pg 242 and 243

WED homework-- (FOR TRACK participants)
1. Math pg 244
2. D for Dump, O for Orchard
3. Ch 14 & 15 questions (we read the chapters today in class)

Message from the Knights of Columbus
As we enter the home stretch of the contest with only a single weekend remaining the results are very close.  If you are unable to purchase your cards after mass on Saturday or Sunday you can email Earl at ecoatta@telus.net or call him at 604-576-6306 and he's more than happy to work out other arrangements with you.

With just a few days left the order is:

1st - Kindergarten
2nd - Grade 6
3rd - Grade 2 & Grade 5

Keep on going and let's see how close we can get.  What a great way to end the school year than a class party for your child.  Help them win the party and help the parish and school at the same time.