I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and many blessings in the New Year. May the two weeks we have off provide much needed relaxation and family time.
I want to thank you so much for the generous presents. The best gift is being able to teach your child this year and each and everyone of them is truly a blessing in my life. I truly enjoy our days together!
Dec 13
What a great show! The kids did such a great job. I hope you get the chance to see if tonight, if you didn't get the change this afternoon. Please be back at 6:30 tonight. Students are to be in the classrooms. Do not come before that, as the doors will not be open!
Tomorrow is PAJAMA Day! Students can bring stuffies and slippers for the classroom.
Tomorrow is PAJAMA Day! Students can bring stuffies and slippers for the classroom.
Dress rehearsal on Monday
On Monday, there will be a dress rehearsal for the Christmas concert. Students are to come to school in uniform. Please ensure your child is bringing the following:
- Shorts
-Tights or long socks (soccer socks are fine)
- Belt
Tuesday is Show Day! There is a show at 1pm & 7pm.
Students are to come in uniform once again and bring the rest of their costumes.
For the evening performance, please come at 6:30. The parking lot will be busy as there is penitential service in the church at 7pm.
Wednesday is pajama day! Bring stuffies and blankets :) We will watch a movie in the morning and play bingo in the afternoon.
Friday is our last day and we have a noon dismissal.
- Shorts
-Tights or long socks (soccer socks are fine)
- Belt
Tuesday is Show Day! There is a show at 1pm & 7pm.
Students are to come in uniform once again and bring the rest of their costumes.
For the evening performance, please come at 6:30. The parking lot will be busy as there is penitential service in the church at 7pm.
Wednesday is pajama day! Bring stuffies and blankets :) We will watch a movie in the morning and play bingo in the afternoon.
Friday is our last day and we have a noon dismissal.
Tomorrow is Christmas colours or Christmas sweater day! No uniform!
Today we made Christmas bark :) please ask your children about the experiment and the states or matter! That ends our unit on matter.
Today we made Christmas bark :) please ask your children about the experiment and the states or matter! That ends our unit on matter.
Dec 5
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriate to play outside in this weather. Hats! Mittens! Scarves! Boots! (and send a change of socks!) It is chilly outside and when they are cold and wet, then they are miserable!
In the event of school closure, please check CKNW or the school website. Do not phone the school, no one will be in to answer your call!
Please send a PAINT SHIRT/SMOCK by Wednesday, as we are doing some painting projects in class.

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriate to play outside in this weather. Hats! Mittens! Scarves! Boots! (and send a change of socks!) It is chilly outside and when they are cold and wet, then they are miserable!
In the event of school closure, please check CKNW or the school website. Do not phone the school, no one will be in to answer your call!
Please send a PAINT SHIRT/SMOCK by Wednesday, as we are doing some painting projects in class.
Dec 2
CONGRATULATIONS to our Grade Two's for their first Confessions today. What a special day! Thank you to those of you who were able to come and join us. I really enjoyed being able to pray with them in Adoration and worship. The looks on their faces were priceless as they came out of the confessional. Please take the time to discuss with them when they would like to go for their second confession. Our class is scheduled for Adoration and confession next week so if they would like to go, again, they are more than welcome to do it again.
The next few weeks are going to be super busy! The shirts for the costumes have come in, but please ensure that your child has shorts (solid colour), tights or long socks, and a belt to add to it. The concert is on DEC 13 at 1pm and 7pm. The dress rehearsal, when they need to bring their costume, is on DEC 12.
Other dates:
Dec 9-- Adoration and Confession for our class
Dec 13-- Christmas Concert 1 & 7pm
Dec 14- - Hamper items are due (NEW DATE!)
Pajama Day
Dec 16-- Last Day- dismissal at noon
No spelling until January.
The next few weeks are going to be super busy! The shirts for the costumes have come in, but please ensure that your child has shorts (solid colour), tights or long socks, and a belt to add to it. The concert is on DEC 13 at 1pm and 7pm. The dress rehearsal, when they need to bring their costume, is on DEC 12.
Other dates:
Dec 9-- Adoration and Confession for our class
Dec 13-- Christmas Concert 1 & 7pm
Dec 14- - Hamper items are due (NEW DATE!)
Pajama Day
Dec 16-- Last Day- dismissal at noon
No spelling until January.
Information for First Confession
Below is the information that Sister shared with her Grade 2 parents. The information is extended to you! Please let me know if you are unable to attend. See you then!
Formal Invitation to Attend Your Child's First Confession From Sister Mary Bethany:
I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that you are all most welcome to join us in the church around 12:45/1:00 pm, this Friday, December 2nd, so that you are present for your child's first confession!
I would love for this invitation to be extended to your other family members as well, especially if you can't make it but you think a sibling could!! The more prayers going up the better!!! So if you have a child in another grade that you would like to have come join us in adoration, would you mind kindly contacting that child's teacher in advance as a courtesy? Mr. Borkowski agrees with me that siblings should be welcomed for this significant event, if they so desire....even if it means missing a little academic time! :)
Feel free to invite grandparents/cousins/relatives too!! Truly this is A VERY BIG DEAL so know that all are most welcome. But also, please know that I understand about work and other obligations. I always assure the children that have no family members that can join us that I consider myself a very true/real spiritual mother to each of them and I will be praying for that child with no family present in a particular way that day.
Here is "The Game Plan" for Friday :)
We will attend school Mass at 9am (as per usual), followed by as "normal" a morning as possible (since "normal" sometimes helps retain calmness at exciting times...)
Unusual will begin with an early lunch at 11:30. The children will have time for final spiritual preparation in the classroom with the teachers between 12:30-12:45 (along with practical preparation like washrooms).
At 12:45ish we will come to the church (where you can be if you are able to join us). By 1pm Father will expose the Lord in the monstrance. For those of you not yet familiar with this beautiful and incredibly powerful devotion, that means that Father will bring Jesus out of the tabernacle and place Him in the monstrance so that all can gaze and adore. God Almighty (Creator of the Universe) right there under the disguise of humble bread! Unbelievable! This devotion is called Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. If you've never experienced this before, I'd say it would be worth coming for this event even if your child WEREN'T receiving first Confession!!!
We will sing a simple song and after a brief moment in prayer, Father Anthony will head to the confessional. The children will be tapped by a Grade Seven when it is their turn to head to the back of the church to kneel and prepare to enter the confessional. Another Grade Seven will help them remember to pray their penance immediately following
their first Confession. After receiving the sacrament and praying their penance, your child will come back up to the front to join the class in profound thanksgiving and awe.
Once all of the children have had received the grace of the sacrament, we will head over together to the Columbus/Cenacle room in the parish center to celebrate. The children will be given a little booklet to complete to commemorate the day and will have a craft to work on. There might also me a little treat (Shhh!!! It's a surprise!!) :)
So, you may have been asking, what's MY part in all of this?! (See the picture above). :)
I'm serious. Please pray for your child this week in general and between 1-2 pm in particular!
Did you know that the amount of grace we can receive at any given moment does depend most of all upon our receptivity? Let's pray for the children to be PROFOUNDLY open to the grace and mercy the Lord longs to lavish.
Whether or not you can be present physically, you can be intensely present spiritually on Friday. To quote a holy prelate, "Distance is NOTHING!"
If you can join us physically, be sure to also be present spiritually in prayer and adoration! The front area where we will kneel will be too crowded, but you can pray powerfully from the pews.
Also, I think it would be really lovely if perhaps we wait to congratulate, take pictures, and celebrate boisterously with the children until after we leave the church building so that we can maintain a beautiful and reverential silence the entire time children are receiving the sacrament and the Lord is exposed on the altar.
Thank you for praying quite intentionally with me for your child. I'm heading to the chapel now for Adoration and they are my intention!!! :)
Formal Invitation to Attend Your Child's First Confession From Sister Mary Bethany:
I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that you are all most welcome to join us in the church around 12:45/1:00 pm, this Friday, December 2nd, so that you are present for your child's first confession!
I would love for this invitation to be extended to your other family members as well, especially if you can't make it but you think a sibling could!! The more prayers going up the better!!! So if you have a child in another grade that you would like to have come join us in adoration, would you mind kindly contacting that child's teacher in advance as a courtesy? Mr. Borkowski agrees with me that siblings should be welcomed for this significant event, if they so desire....even if it means missing a little academic time! :)
Feel free to invite grandparents/cousins/relatives too!! Truly this is A VERY BIG DEAL so know that all are most welcome. But also, please know that I understand about work and other obligations. I always assure the children that have no family members that can join us that I consider myself a very true/real spiritual mother to each of them and I will be praying for that child with no family present in a particular way that day.
Here is "The Game Plan" for Friday :)
We will attend school Mass at 9am (as per usual), followed by as "normal" a morning as possible (since "normal" sometimes helps retain calmness at exciting times...)
Unusual will begin with an early lunch at 11:30. The children will have time for final spiritual preparation in the classroom with the teachers between 12:30-12:45 (along with practical preparation like washrooms).
At 12:45ish we will come to the church (where you can be if you are able to join us). By 1pm Father will expose the Lord in the monstrance. For those of you not yet familiar with this beautiful and incredibly powerful devotion, that means that Father will bring Jesus out of the tabernacle and place Him in the monstrance so that all can gaze and adore. God Almighty (Creator of the Universe) right there under the disguise of humble bread! Unbelievable! This devotion is called Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. If you've never experienced this before, I'd say it would be worth coming for this event even if your child WEREN'T receiving first Confession!!!
We will sing a simple song and after a brief moment in prayer, Father Anthony will head to the confessional. The children will be tapped by a Grade Seven when it is their turn to head to the back of the church to kneel and prepare to enter the confessional. Another Grade Seven will help them remember to pray their penance immediately following
their first Confession. After receiving the sacrament and praying their penance, your child will come back up to the front to join the class in profound thanksgiving and awe.
Once all of the children have had received the grace of the sacrament, we will head over together to the Columbus/Cenacle room in the parish center to celebrate. The children will be given a little booklet to complete to commemorate the day and will have a craft to work on. There might also me a little treat (Shhh!!! It's a surprise!!) :)
So, you may have been asking, what's MY part in all of this?! (See the picture above). :)
I'm serious. Please pray for your child this week in general and between 1-2 pm in particular!
Did you know that the amount of grace we can receive at any given moment does depend most of all upon our receptivity? Let's pray for the children to be PROFOUNDLY open to the grace and mercy the Lord longs to lavish.
Whether or not you can be present physically, you can be intensely present spiritually on Friday. To quote a holy prelate, "Distance is NOTHING!"
If you can join us physically, be sure to also be present spiritually in prayer and adoration! The front area where we will kneel will be too crowded, but you can pray powerfully from the pews.
Also, I think it would be really lovely if perhaps we wait to congratulate, take pictures, and celebrate boisterously with the children until after we leave the church building so that we can maintain a beautiful and reverential silence the entire time children are receiving the sacrament and the Lord is exposed on the altar.
Thank you for praying quite intentionally with me for your child. I'm heading to the chapel now for Adoration and they are my intention!!! :)
We are leading the Advent assembly in the gym at 2pm. You are welcome to join us!
The students have been busy preparing for their first Confession. Please arrive at 12:45 in the church. We will send more information next week to outline Adoration and Confession, as well as the plan for the little celebration afterwards.
(GRADE 3 parents-- Our class will have Adoration ad Confession on DEC 9 so your child will have a chance to go before Christmas break.)
**Also please check your child's sweater. We have a few pieces missing that are labelled. Thanks!**
We are leading the Advent assembly in the gym at 2pm. You are welcome to join us!
The students have been busy preparing for their first Confession. Please arrive at 12:45 in the church. We will send more information next week to outline Adoration and Confession, as well as the plan for the little celebration afterwards.
(GRADE 3 parents-- Our class will have Adoration ad Confession on DEC 9 so your child will have a chance to go before Christmas break.)
**Also please check your child's sweater. We have a few pieces missing that are labelled. Thanks!**
Nov 23
You are invited to our first Advent Assembly next Wednesday. Our class will be leading it and everyone will have a small part. Tomorrow, your child will bring home some lines to practice for the weekend.
Costume update: Rosa's mom ordered shirts for all the students to wear as part of their costume. THANK YOU MRS. N!!!
Students are expected to have their own shorts, socks or tights and belts. Thank you!
Costume update: Rosa's mom ordered shirts for all the students to wear as part of their costume. THANK YOU MRS. N!!!
Students are expected to have their own shorts, socks or tights and belts. Thank you!
Nov 18
Christmas Concert Update:
Hi Parents! It's that time of year for Christmas concert prep! I am wondering if we could get some parent volunteers to help us get our class costumes ready. Our class needs to be divided in specific colours that Mrs. Mar will assign : red, green, gold (yellow) and silver (gray). The students needs to wear oversized shirts with a belt (rope), shorts, tights or long socks. I think it might be easier to buy the t-shirts in bulk at Michaels or Walmart and provide one per child. If any parent(s) would like to help out in organizing this, it would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Hi Parents! It's that time of year for Christmas concert prep! I am wondering if we could get some parent volunteers to help us get our class costumes ready. Our class needs to be divided in specific colours that Mrs. Mar will assign : red, green, gold (yellow) and silver (gray). The students needs to wear oversized shirts with a belt (rope), shorts, tights or long socks. I think it might be easier to buy the t-shirts in bulk at Michaels or Walmart and provide one per child. If any parent(s) would like to help out in organizing this, it would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Nov 7
Today Mr. Borkowski prepared the students for a lock down drill that will take place next week. We have always had these procedures in place, but in light of what is happening in the news, we want to make sure that the students are aware of them. We used the example of a large dog on the school grounds to discuss what would happen in an event of possible danger. The students had a lot of questions and we tried our best to address them. Please have a talk with your child to alleviate any anxiety they may have. The school is a safe and loving place and we want them to be assured of this.
This is a short week! No school on Thursday (Pro D Day) and Friday (Remembrance Day). On Wednesday, there will be a Remembrance Day at 1:30. Please feel free to join us. I encourage all the students to bring in a donation to get a poppy. All donations go to the local Legion.
GRADE 3-- ROSARY TEST on WED. We have been working on this for almost a month and a half. Please ensure your child goes over the contents in their Religion duotang. They need to know facts about the rosary, as well as all the mysteries.
This is a short week! No school on Thursday (Pro D Day) and Friday (Remembrance Day). On Wednesday, there will be a Remembrance Day at 1:30. Please feel free to join us. I encourage all the students to bring in a donation to get a poppy. All donations go to the local Legion.
GRADE 3-- ROSARY TEST on WED. We have been working on this for almost a month and a half. Please ensure your child goes over the contents in their Religion duotang. They need to know facts about the rosary, as well as all the mysteries.

Oct 31
We painted pumpkins today so please check your child's shirt! If there is any paint on it, please soak immediately. The paint is washable but you don't want to wait too long. I will post some pictures of their creations on Dojo tomorrow.
We are celebrating All Saints Day tomorrow and students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite saint or Holy person. Please check Catholic Icing's website if you are still stuck for ideas.
Have a great and safe evening tonight!
We are celebrating All Saints Day tomorrow and students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite saint or Holy person. Please check Catholic Icing's website if you are still stuck for ideas.
Have a great and safe evening tonight!
Oct 28
Monday is regular uniform day. We will do some activities with pumpkins that we got from Rondriso Farms. On Tuesday, we encourage all the students to dress up as a Saint or Biblical figure. We will be visiting the church for prayer in the morning and in the afternoon, we will join the rest of the primary grades for fun celebrations.
Have a great weekend!
Oct 24
We did our photo retake this morning for our class photo. We should receive it shortly. Hopefully this one turned out well!
Important dates coming up:
Tomorrow: Earthquake drill at school tomorrow. It might also be a good time to talk about your emergency preparedness plan at home.
Nov 1-- All Saints Dress Up Day
Math quizzes went home today rounding. Please initial and send back to school. We will do the corrections in class to ensure they understand the concept. This week we are working on ordering and comparing numbers.
Spelling test book will be sent home tomorrow for a signature.
Important dates coming up:
Tomorrow: Earthquake drill at school tomorrow. It might also be a good time to talk about your emergency preparedness plan at home.
Nov 1-- All Saints Dress Up Day
Math quizzes went home today rounding. Please initial and send back to school. We will do the corrections in class to ensure they understand the concept. This week we are working on ordering and comparing numbers.
Spelling test book will be sent home tomorrow for a signature.
Oct 18
Don't forget to check our class Dojo for picture updates!
This week in a glance:
Tomorrow is the Living Rosary presented by the grade 4's and 5's. Please send a rosary for your child to use if possible.
Thursday we will have our spelling test and a math quiz on rounding. Next Monday I will send a small package with some math quizzes that have been completed for your signature.
Friday-- No School, Pro D Day. I will be attending a workshop in Langley to learn about anxiety in children and dealing with socio-emotional problems in the classroom.
Next Monday, Oct 24 is photo retake day. Please ensure your child comes picture ready as we are doing a CLASS PHOTO RETAKE. There were a few kids who had their eyes closed or not smiling at the last one. Also, please ensure your child is not late on that day so they don't miss it. I will have both pictures sent home when we receive the retake.
November 1 is fast approaching and we are doing our Annual Dress Like a Holy Person Day.
Here are some ideas for costumes if you are still looking for one.
Also, Grade 2 parents, please try and keep up with reading the Reconciliation book that was sent home. Remember their first Reconciliation day is on DEC 2!
Grade 3 parents, we will be doing a class confession and adoration on Dec 9.
This week in a glance:
Tomorrow is the Living Rosary presented by the grade 4's and 5's. Please send a rosary for your child to use if possible.
Thursday we will have our spelling test and a math quiz on rounding. Next Monday I will send a small package with some math quizzes that have been completed for your signature.
Friday-- No School, Pro D Day. I will be attending a workshop in Langley to learn about anxiety in children and dealing with socio-emotional problems in the classroom.
Next Monday, Oct 24 is photo retake day. Please ensure your child comes picture ready as we are doing a CLASS PHOTO RETAKE. There were a few kids who had their eyes closed or not smiling at the last one. Also, please ensure your child is not late on that day so they don't miss it. I will have both pictures sent home when we receive the retake.
November 1 is fast approaching and we are doing our Annual Dress Like a Holy Person Day.
Here are some ideas for costumes if you are still looking for one.
Also, Grade 2 parents, please try and keep up with reading the Reconciliation book that was sent home. Remember their first Reconciliation day is on DEC 2!
Grade 3 parents, we will be doing a class confession and adoration on Dec 9.
Time Correction for Gr 2 Parent Meeting
Grade 2 Parents:
Please note that the First Reconciliation meeting on Thursday, Oct 13 is from 7PM to 8PM.
Please note that the First Reconciliation meeting on Thursday, Oct 13 is from 7PM to 8PM.
Oct 7
Happy Thanksgiving to all you! I am so blessed to be teaching your wonderful children this year and I am thankful for this opportunity.
Please check our class Dojo, as I added some pictures of the fun we had at the Fitness-a-thon today.
To our Grade 2 Parents:
A purple book about Reconciliation was sent home this week to prepare the children for this beautiful sacrament on Dec 2. This six-chapter book may stay home, as the students will be using their time with Sister for preparation at school. Please do not write in the book and they will be collected at the end of November. It is important to have the conversations with your child leading up the their first Reconciliation as you are the primary educator of your child, especially about the spiritual matters. If you or your child have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Please check our class Dojo, as I added some pictures of the fun we had at the Fitness-a-thon today.
To our Grade 2 Parents:
A purple book about Reconciliation was sent home this week to prepare the children for this beautiful sacrament on Dec 2. This six-chapter book may stay home, as the students will be using their time with Sister for preparation at school. Please do not write in the book and they will be collected at the end of November. It is important to have the conversations with your child leading up the their first Reconciliation as you are the primary educator of your child, especially about the spiritual matters. If you or your child have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Oct 4
Unfortunately, the field trip for Thursday is CANCELLED due to a lack of drivers. We will try again another day. Thanks for understanding.
Friday NOON dismissal after the Fitness-a-thon.
Friday NOON dismissal after the Fitness-a-thon.
Oct 3
Hello October! I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is already this weekend!
We do need some HELP! We have a field trip scheduled for this Thursday, but we are short on drivers for HALF THE CLASS. If we do not have enough drivers by tomorrow, unfortunately, we have to cancel the field trip for Grade 2/3. If you are unable to come, please let me know ASAP.
Also, please write the total pledges that your child has in their planner tonight, as we are doing another tally tomorrow!
Thank you!
Sept 30
What a great first month we have had! The students have settled into our routines and are able to work in class, as well as enjoy each other's company. Please have a look at class Dojo, as I am hoping to be able to upload more of the students' work and share them with you.
Next week is a BUSY week!
Sun, Oct 2: Work Bee at the school
Wed, Oct 5: Cross country CISVA meet for the participants
Thurs, Oct 6: Field trip (At this point, we do not have enough parent drivers. Please let us know if you are able to join us on this day.)
Fri, Oct 7: Fitness-a-thon NOON DISMISSAL
Our class goal is $1800, which works out to $60 per student. Currently we are at $510. Please help us reach our goal so that we can purchase new technology for the school, such as Chromebooks, as well as the much needed upgrades to the classroom windows.
Spelling will be sent home on Monday with new words to sort and study. The test will be moved to the following week, as we do not have time to have it next week.
Mon, Oct 10: Thanksgiving (No School)
Next week is a BUSY week!
Sun, Oct 2: Work Bee at the school
Wed, Oct 5: Cross country CISVA meet for the participants
Thurs, Oct 6: Field trip (At this point, we do not have enough parent drivers. Please let us know if you are able to join us on this day.)
Fri, Oct 7: Fitness-a-thon NOON DISMISSAL
Our class goal is $1800, which works out to $60 per student. Currently we are at $510. Please help us reach our goal so that we can purchase new technology for the school, such as Chromebooks, as well as the much needed upgrades to the classroom windows.
Spelling will be sent home on Monday with new words to sort and study. The test will be moved to the following week, as we do not have time to have it next week.
Mon, Oct 10: Thanksgiving (No School)
Sept 27
A new permission slip was sent home today for our field trip on THURSDAY, OCT 6. Please read the letter carefully.
Fitness-a-thon is on Friday, Oct 7.
Spelling Routines:
Monday- Students are given a list of words, as well as an activity to sort the words into categories. The word sort pieces are kept in the front of their duotangs in an envelope. Also, the test books are returned and corrections need to be done, if any. Please sign the tests to acknowledge you have seen it.
Tuesday or Wednesday- A supplement activity will be given for practice.
Friday- Test
We have started our Science unit on Matter and have talked about the water cycle.
The students have learned the following vocab words with relation to water (ask them about it!)
- evaporation
- condensation
- precipitation
Fitness-a-thon is on Friday, Oct 7.
Spelling Routines:
Monday- Students are given a list of words, as well as an activity to sort the words into categories. The word sort pieces are kept in the front of their duotangs in an envelope. Also, the test books are returned and corrections need to be done, if any. Please sign the tests to acknowledge you have seen it.
Tuesday or Wednesday- A supplement activity will be given for practice.
Friday- Test
We have started our Science unit on Matter and have talked about the water cycle.
The students have learned the following vocab words with relation to water (ask them about it!)
- evaporation
- condensation
- precipitation
Sept 23
Thank you for all the quick responses regarding our field trip. Unfortunately, we have to change the date due to some conflicts. We will let you know of the new date on Monday and a new field trip notice will be sent home.
I will be sending home their spelling tests to be signed on Monday. A new list will be sent home at the start of every week. I will not be sending home the Math quizzes for Grade Three this week, as the assessment shows me that we need to work more on number patterns. We will have a re-test next Friday.
Have a great weekend!
I will be sending home their spelling tests to be signed on Monday. A new list will be sent home at the start of every week. I will not be sending home the Math quizzes for Grade Three this week, as the assessment shows me that we need to work more on number patterns. We will have a re-test next Friday.
Have a great weekend!
Sept 20
I am blogging today's planner as we didn't have time to write in it after our Terry Fox walk.
1. I am (three sentences)/ I can (three sentences)
(colouring is NOT for homework)
2. Math- gr 2 pg. 14-16
gr 3 worksheet
3. Spelling worksheet
Tomorrow is non-uniform day (fall colours)
Cross country team is expected to be at school in the morning and will leave the school at 11am.
Please ensure your child brings a booster seat if someone else is driving them!
1. I am (three sentences)/ I can (three sentences)
(colouring is NOT for homework)
2. Math- gr 2 pg. 14-16
gr 3 worksheet
3. Spelling worksheet
Tomorrow is non-uniform day (fall colours)
Cross country team is expected to be at school in the morning and will leave the school at 11am.
Please ensure your child brings a booster seat if someone else is driving them!
Sept 19
The students were grouped into their spelling groups today. We have three groups right now and they are all working on long a and short a sounds. The activity today was to sort their words. Tomorrow it will be to print their words in different colours using their markers. A third activity will be assigned on Wednesday. Thursdays will be for studying the words and Fridays are test days.
Tomorrow is the Terry Fox walk and we are asking that students bring a toonie as a donation.
Wednesday is non-uniform day-- Fall colours. Those participating in the cross country meet will have to wear their gym strip.
Tomorrow is the Terry Fox walk and we are asking that students bring a toonie as a donation.
Wednesday is non-uniform day-- Fall colours. Those participating in the cross country meet will have to wear their gym strip.
What a great start to our new school year! It was great to see so many families at the Back to School BBQ last night. For those of you who were unable to attend, I do have a handout package that I will send with your child on Monday. I apologize, as I forgot to send them home today.
We welcome three new students (and families!) to our school in our class: Cole, Isabel & Irene!
A few important dates this month:
19: Picture Day
21: Terry Fox Walk & Non-uniform day
Please subscribe to the blog, so that it automatically gets sent to your email when updated!
Have a great weekend!
We welcome three new students (and families!) to our school in our class: Cole, Isabel & Irene!
A few important dates this month:
19: Picture Day
21: Terry Fox Walk & Non-uniform day
Please subscribe to the blog, so that it automatically gets sent to your email when updated!
Have a great weekend!
June 20
Clean up! Clean up! Everybody everywhere! Clean up! Clean up! Everybody do their share!
This is the song that keeps popping up in my head all day as we start to wind down and clean our things. Instead of lugging home a giant bag of stuff next week, I am starting to send home school supplies that we no longer need. At this point, I have sent home all duo-tangs. Please let your child know if you want them to DONATE the school supplies in their pencil boxes (pencil crayons, markers, erasers, etc) as we usually collect them at the end of the year to send away. ALL PENCIL BOXES will be collected empty and sent to the Grade 4 classrooms (it is not part of their Grade 4 educ-pac, so they will be using the same one next year again). We have a box of clothes that has been hanging around the cloakroom and none of the students have claimed the clothes. Please feel free to come and browse to see if any of it belongs to your child!
Also I have asked that all backpacks and lunch kits are checked tonight. We have a very unpleasant odor coming from our cloakroom. We have emptied the shoe cubbies, sprayed and cleaned everything, but the smell still lingers! It's quite unpleasant.
Please make sure your child empties their backpack at home so that they can take more stuff home in the coming days.
We are finishing Charlotte's Web (the novel) this week, as well as the ABC books they have been working on for the past month. THE ABC BOOK IS DUE ON THURSDAY at the very latest as report cards are due to the office by Friday. We will be watching the live action movie on Friday morning.
If you have any concerns about your child's learning at this point, it is really important that we discuss it ASAP as next week will be so busy and will fly by.
A notice about our wrap up party on Friday was sent home today.
This is the song that keeps popping up in my head all day as we start to wind down and clean our things. Instead of lugging home a giant bag of stuff next week, I am starting to send home school supplies that we no longer need. At this point, I have sent home all duo-tangs. Please let your child know if you want them to DONATE the school supplies in their pencil boxes (pencil crayons, markers, erasers, etc) as we usually collect them at the end of the year to send away. ALL PENCIL BOXES will be collected empty and sent to the Grade 4 classrooms (it is not part of their Grade 4 educ-pac, so they will be using the same one next year again). We have a box of clothes that has been hanging around the cloakroom and none of the students have claimed the clothes. Please feel free to come and browse to see if any of it belongs to your child!
Also I have asked that all backpacks and lunch kits are checked tonight. We have a very unpleasant odor coming from our cloakroom. We have emptied the shoe cubbies, sprayed and cleaned everything, but the smell still lingers! It's quite unpleasant.
Please make sure your child empties their backpack at home so that they can take more stuff home in the coming days.
We are finishing Charlotte's Web (the novel) this week, as well as the ABC books they have been working on for the past month. THE ABC BOOK IS DUE ON THURSDAY at the very latest as report cards are due to the office by Friday. We will be watching the live action movie on Friday morning.
If you have any concerns about your child's learning at this point, it is really important that we discuss it ASAP as next week will be so busy and will fly by.
A notice about our wrap up party on Friday was sent home today.
June 7
Popcorn day tomorrow $1.00
Thursday is our Celebration of Learning starting at 11 am. Each child will present their projects. We hope to see you there. Below is the list of presenters in order:
Thursday is our Celebration of Learning starting at 11 am. Each child will present their projects. We hope to see you there. Below is the list of presenters in order:
1. Brody: What are eggs made of?
2. Leighla: What happens to the
environment when trees get cut down?
3. Robyn: I wonder about how lions live.
4. Mary: How do your bake without yeast
and it still rises?
5. Heidi: How do people keep animals in
the zoo?
6. Olivia: I wonder about bald eagles way
of life.
7. Daniel: How did Lego get started?
8. Natalie: How do you make a giant piece
of art with multiple art forms?
9. Mireya: Who invented make up and who were the first to use it?
10. Liam: Why are dog’s called a man’s best
11: Matteo K: How do volcanoes erupt?
12. Desmond: How are video games made?
13: Ezinne: How much space junk is out
14. Aine: What helps you get into sports?
15: Mateo S: What was the first sport
16: Alessandro: How are video games made?
17. Reese: What instruments in the
orchestra and how are they made?
18. Lauren: How do paintings affect people?
19. Jack: How do penguins survive?
20. Sarah: How can we help the endangered
spotted owls?
21: Jamey: How does the internet work?
22. Naysa: What are allergies?
23. Evan: How can we make driving safer?
24. Mara: Why were dogs made?
25. Anthony: How do things move in space?
26. Steven: How can cheetahs run fast?
27. Aveline: How can you do a backflip?
28: Tessa: What was the first famous form
of art?
29. Anna: What are the parts of a dog’s
30: Bianca: Why are there homeless dogs?
31: Rachel: How can we help people with cancer?
June 1
A BIG THANK YOU to the parent drivers and volunteers who helped to make our field trip so successful! I don't know about the kids, but I was tired last night from all the walking and sunshine!
Today, we were missing quite a few kids who went to the CISVA track meet. Students had the opportunity to work on their Passion projects. Tomorrow, in our groups, students will have the opportunity to create their criteria for marking.
ALL PROJECTS are due to me on MONDAY, JUNE 6. If they opt to do a speech, I still to see the notes for the speech so I know they are prepared.
CELEBRATION OF LEARNING is on THURS, JUNE 9. Families are invited to come and here presentations starting at 11am in the Parish Center.
1. Passion projects due
2. ABC book
- D for dump
- O for orchard
- Z for Zuckerman
- R for Roosters
Today, we were missing quite a few kids who went to the CISVA track meet. Students had the opportunity to work on their Passion projects. Tomorrow, in our groups, students will have the opportunity to create their criteria for marking.
ALL PROJECTS are due to me on MONDAY, JUNE 6. If they opt to do a speech, I still to see the notes for the speech so I know they are prepared.
CELEBRATION OF LEARNING is on THURS, JUNE 9. Families are invited to come and here presentations starting at 11am in the Parish Center.
1. Passion projects due
2. ABC book
- D for dump
- O for orchard
- Z for Zuckerman
- R for Roosters
19 MORE SCHOOL DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 27
We are in need of TWO MORE PARENT DRIVERS for
TUESDAY. Please email me ASAP if you have your Driver forms and criminal record
check done and can accompany us on TUESDAY, MAY 31.The following parents are driving and supervising
on our field trip:
Gerard, Bell, Rafter, McKay, Hadson, Erickson,
We are leaving around 9am so students will line up
at the bell as usual. There is no need to come extra early. Please note that according
to the province of BC all children under the age of 9 or height of 4’9 (144cm) MUST
HAVE A BOOSTER SEAT. We measured those students in class and have written a "B" on top of the letter they are taking home, if they need a booster. For liability and insurance purposes, if you are not
driving your own child, please provide a BOOSTER SEAT for the volunteer parent
driver. Children under the age or 12 should be seated in the back seats.
Students need to come in FULL UNIFORM and be
prepared to be outdoors (sunscreen, hats, or rain gear). Please send a DISPOSABLE
LUNCH. There are some shops there and students will be allowed to go in them
with their groups. Do not send more than $20, as students are responsible for
their own money or belongings.
No School Monday, May 30
Field Trip Tuesday, May 31
Important June Dates:
June 6- Passion Projects DUE (in class) Criteria for marking will be sent home next week, students are creating their own marking criteria together, as part of the student inquiry. They have been working so hard in class and I am so excited to share this progress with you.
June 9- CELEBRATION OF LEARNING- You are invited to come and see their passion projects, listen to their speeches and view their skits and videos. The celebration will be in the Parish Center at 11am-12:30.
June 10- Volunteer Appreciation Tea & Talent show
June 17- Fun Day (Details will be sent home next week! Volunteer opportunities will count for next school year!)
End of year field trip to be determined. We are trying to book a swimming party but I'm unsure if they can take all 31 students at once.
June 29- Report Card & Last Day of School
May 16
Tomorrow we will begin our first in class work time for the different passion project presentations. We will have three weeks of in class work time and that puts us in the second week of June for final presentations. Please ensure that your child has whatever they need from home to make this hour a productive work time. I will have the usual school supplies available (paint, construction paper, etc). A lot of the students need to write speeches and scripts and can use this first time to do their writing. Some students need to type out their info, we can type and print in class but we cannot save it.
1. Sp Unit 25 (WTW #2-4, WP 2-4, CH # 1,2,4) OR List 6 (THURS)
2. Charlotte's Web Ch 8& 9 Vocab and questions
3. Math w/s
1. Sp Unit 25 (WTW #2-4, WP 2-4, CH # 1,2,4) OR List 6 (THURS)
2. Charlotte's Web Ch 8& 9 Vocab and questions
3. Math w/s
Please read
Please read! I forgot to send this notice home, you can email me if you are wanting to come or wait for the notice. I will send it home Monday.
Dear Families:
Thank you for returning the permission slips for
our field trip to Fort Langley. If your child has not handed it in, please do
so immediately, as we need to confirm our numbers, along with their $5 fee. We
are asking for parent volunteers who are able to drive us on that day. Please
indicate on the bottom of this sheet if you are able to come, how many students
you can drive and if you have the appropriate forms filed in the office. There
is still time to get those forms if you need to.
Please note that according to the province of BC
all children under the age of 9 or height of 4’9 MUST HAVE A BOOSTER SEAT. For
liability and insurance purposes, if you are not driving your own child, please
provide a BOOSTER SEAT for the volunteer parent driver. Children under the age
or 12 should be seated in the back seats.
Thank you so much for your help!
Mrs. Fonseca & Miss Losito
return this section by TUESDAY, MAY 17
Family name:
I would like to come and supervise for the day.
record check done and filed in the office
can drive students and have _____________ seats
driver form completed and filed in the office
May 12
Hi families! We are almost midway through May! Spring fever has definitely hit Grade Three and boy are the students squirelly!I keep reminding them that while the end is near, we still have quite a bit of work to get through.
This week I have been going through their presentation proposals and the materials that they need to complete them. They are allowed to present their research in any way they want, but it must include information they learned. Any material that is not available at school will have to be brought from home. Also, if they are doing a video, any editing will have to be done at home, as we cannot save them on the Chromebooks. I will get a date to you for their presentation as soon as we book it so you can come and celebrate their learning with us.
1. Sp test tom.
2. Math pg 151, 152 & 154
3. Travelling seeds q's
4.Charlotte's Web prediction
This week I have been going through their presentation proposals and the materials that they need to complete them. They are allowed to present their research in any way they want, but it must include information they learned. Any material that is not available at school will have to be brought from home. Also, if they are doing a video, any editing will have to be done at home, as we cannot save them on the Chromebooks. I will get a date to you for their presentation as soon as we book it so you can come and celebrate their learning with us.
1. Sp test tom.
2. Math pg 151, 152 & 154
3. Travelling seeds q's
4.Charlotte's Web prediction
May 2
Happy May! It's be big push to get a lot of curriculum finished this month, as June goes by in a blink! Here is a run down of the most important things happening this month:
Passion Projects: Students have handed in their rough draft of written work. The next step is different for each student. They need to decide how they are going to present this information. They can type it out and hand in a report, do a poster project, a speech, skit (video taped), gallery, etc...etc.... It is very open ended. I will talk with each student about their choices this week. Next week, they will need to bring materials to work on the project in school. This remains to be an IN-SCHOOL PROJECT. There may be small parts that can be done at home if we don't have the equipment needed at school. FINAL DUE DATE is still TBA but I project first week of June.
French Play: We have been learning the play POULE MABOULE (Chicken Little). We have broken up into groups and each group must present the play to video tape. This week is rehearsal. We will begin taping next Thursday and Friday.
We have a field trip to Fort Langley scheduled for May 31. A permission slip will be sent home this week.
CROWNING OF MARY on WED, please bring ONE flower for Mary.
May 12-- Annual General Meeting in the Parish Center 7PM
May 15-- Uniform fitting (email the company for a specific time)
May 19-- Rodeo themed non-uniform day
May 23-- No school- Victoria Day
1. Province project due tomorrow
2. Math w/s and perimeter art
3. Letter W & B in (Charlotte's Web ABC book)
4. Novel study Ch 2& 3 q's
5. Sp Unit 23 (WTW #1-3, WP #1-3, CH # 1,3,4) or List 5
Passion Projects: Students have handed in their rough draft of written work. The next step is different for each student. They need to decide how they are going to present this information. They can type it out and hand in a report, do a poster project, a speech, skit (video taped), gallery, etc...etc.... It is very open ended. I will talk with each student about their choices this week. Next week, they will need to bring materials to work on the project in school. This remains to be an IN-SCHOOL PROJECT. There may be small parts that can be done at home if we don't have the equipment needed at school. FINAL DUE DATE is still TBA but I project first week of June.
French Play: We have been learning the play POULE MABOULE (Chicken Little). We have broken up into groups and each group must present the play to video tape. This week is rehearsal. We will begin taping next Thursday and Friday.
We have a field trip to Fort Langley scheduled for May 31. A permission slip will be sent home this week.
CROWNING OF MARY on WED, please bring ONE flower for Mary.
May 12-- Annual General Meeting in the Parish Center 7PM
May 15-- Uniform fitting (email the company for a specific time)
May 19-- Rodeo themed non-uniform day
May 23-- No school- Victoria Day
1. Province project due tomorrow
2. Math w/s and perimeter art
3. Letter W & B in (Charlotte's Web ABC book)
4. Novel study Ch 2& 3 q's
5. Sp Unit 23 (WTW #1-3, WP #1-3, CH # 1,3,4) or List 5
April 18
We started our I'm a Gift From God program last week. Please ensure that if the workbook is brought home, you take the time to review the concepts and lessons at home. This is a K-3 program so this year is just a review of all the concepts they learned in the past.
There are two spelling groups in the class. One group is continuing work on the Canadian Speller and the other group is working on challenge words and activities. Students who consistently complete the activities and get very good scores on the weekly tests will be moved into the challengers group.
In math, we started multiplying double digit by single digit. It is really important that they continue to practice their multiplication math facts for speed and accuracy.
1. SP Unit 22 or List 4 (Thurs)
2. Rel- gift
3. Math w/s
4. NS- Ch 14 & 15 (Wed)
5. Sp Test book signed
SP activities for Unit 22
WTW #1-4
WP # 1,2
CH #2-4
April 6
A full week! Wow! It's been a great week of getting back to routine, finally. Third term is always my favourite because the expectations are old hat and the students are more ready to learn.
A few important dates to remember:
April 13- non uniform day (Inside Out emotion colours)
April 15- Stations of the Cross test
April 22- Provinces/Territories and capitals test
1. Sp Unit 20 (WTW, WP & CH #1-3) / Challengers List 2
2. Math w/s
3. How To Rough Draft
4. Novel Study Ch 11 q's
Book orders due April 13
Mar 31
FOOD BANK MASS TOMORROW. Please be generous!
The weather has been BEAUTIFUL! It is so warm out that students often take their sweaters and jackets off at recess. Please ensure that EVERYTHING is labelled as they often get left out.
The weather has been BEAUTIFUL! It is so warm out that students often take their sweaters and jackets off at recess. Please ensure that EVERYTHING is labelled as they often get left out.
At this point, I am only sending Weekly Progress reports that are warranted. If your child is NOT taking one home, then they had a good week and do not have any missing or late assignments.
1. Math w/s
2. Rough Draft- fruit/veg paragraph
3. SS Map- colour bodies of water only
4. C&O cursive
March 29
Alleluia! He is risen! I wish you all a very happy Easter season! We will continue to celebrate for 48 more days until Pentecost!
I have started conferencing with individual students about their passion projects. The outline (one sheet in their orange duotang) is due on THURSDAY. This is just point form that gives me an ideas as to what they want to research and where the project is headed. Again, the bulk of the project will be done IN CLASS, but you might want to check in with them as to what topic interests them. Some topics I approved today included: Safe driving, Kids with Dealing with Cancer and Different art forms. It really is up to each child. The next step after I conference with them will be working on asking and answering questions relevant to their topics (research portion).
1. Sp Unit 19 Due THURS
(New spelling group called CHALLENGERS have a different list and are working on List 1. Those students know who they are and what they need to do! Also due THURS)
2. Math w/s
3. Novel study- Ch 9 questions
I have started conferencing with individual students about their passion projects. The outline (one sheet in their orange duotang) is due on THURSDAY. This is just point form that gives me an ideas as to what they want to research and where the project is headed. Again, the bulk of the project will be done IN CLASS, but you might want to check in with them as to what topic interests them. Some topics I approved today included: Safe driving, Kids with Dealing with Cancer and Different art forms. It really is up to each child. The next step after I conference with them will be working on asking and answering questions relevant to their topics (research portion).
1. Sp Unit 19 Due THURS
(New spelling group called CHALLENGERS have a different list and are working on List 1. Those students know who they are and what they need to do! Also due THURS)
2. Math w/s
3. Novel study- Ch 9 questions
March 22
Please check blog for news on our new Passion Project. If you can't click on the link here, there is a new page in the side bar on the blog (also, a blue coloured letter was sent home today with the same information).
1. SP- Religion words (due THURS)
2. Rel- Last supper journal
3. Math pg 81-82
4. Cursive c & o (back page only)
5. Easter egg clues (due THURS)
Passion project-- Topic sheet due March 31
1. SP- Religion words (due THURS)
2. Rel- Last supper journal
3. Math pg 81-82
4. Cursive c & o (back page only)
5. Easter egg clues (due THURS)
Passion project-- Topic sheet due March 31
March 21
Welcome back! What a great treat it was to have TWO weeks off for spring break. It truly felt like a break, as my family had some time to do absolutely nothing, after flurry of dentists, doctors and other "must-have" appointments that are usually reserved for days off.

For Holy Week, we are focusing on the real reason of Easter and working on the stations of the cross. We are centering our week on prayer and making ourselves more like Jesus. We will have a retreat day (a day of prayer and reflection) on Holy Thursday. There will be no school on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
1. Spelling-- Religion words (3 activities due Thursday)
2. Rel- Palm Sunday journal
3. Math- pg 79 & 80 #1-6
4. Comm Skills pg 48-49
5. Easter egg clue activity (due Thursday)
For Holy Week, we are focusing on the real reason of Easter and working on the stations of the cross. We are centering our week on prayer and making ourselves more like Jesus. We will have a retreat day (a day of prayer and reflection) on Holy Thursday. There will be no school on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
1. Spelling-- Religion words (3 activities due Thursday)
2. Rel- Palm Sunday journal
3. Math- pg 79 & 80 #1-6
4. Comm Skills pg 48-49
5. Easter egg clue activity (due Thursday)
Feb 29
Happy Leap Year Day! The end of second term has come and gone and now we are in our final term together! Oh my! That was fast!!! Report cards go home on Friday. This term, the students helped by writing their own goal to go along with a goal that I have for them for the next term.
SPRING BREAK-- MARCH 7-MARCH 18 (See you back on March 21st!)
1. Daily Math Review (5)
2. Leap Year reading
3. Comm Skills pg 80-83, 86 (Due Thurs)
No Spelling this Week
SPRING BREAK-- MARCH 7-MARCH 18 (See you back on March 21st!)
1. Daily Math Review (5)
2. Leap Year reading
3. Comm Skills pg 80-83, 86 (Due Thurs)
No Spelling this Week

Feb 24
Congratulations to Liam and Naysa who represented our class at the Speech Arts assembly today for Bible reading and Poetry, respectively. Great job to everyone who presented their poems in class! Overall well done! I get really nervous standing in front of my peers in presenting something, so it was so great to see the students stand up in front of the class to present their poems.
Socials Test on continents and oceans on Monday, Feb 29. I gave a review sheet last week and we will go over all their answers tomorrow. Please ensure they have the review sheet (completed) at school.
No spelling this week, but Comm Skills was assigned on Monday instead, to review verbs.
1. Comm Skills pg 64-67, 74
2. Socials review sheet
Student led conferences tomorrow and Friday morning. Please ensure you have your time. See you then!
Socials Test on continents and oceans on Monday, Feb 29. I gave a review sheet last week and we will go over all their answers tomorrow. Please ensure they have the review sheet (completed) at school.
No spelling this week, but Comm Skills was assigned on Monday instead, to review verbs.
1. Comm Skills pg 64-67, 74
2. Socials review sheet
Student led conferences tomorrow and Friday morning. Please ensure you have your time. See you then!
Feb 10
Today we had Mass and a prayer day to start our Lenten Journey. Father Anthony encouraged the students to think about their Fasting (what we give up), Prayer and Almsgiving (what we are giving to others).
The students also recited their Speech Arts poem today. Thank you for practicing with your children. It was really neat to hear all the different poems. I will choose one person to recite their poem at the school assembly.
Upcoming important dates:
Friday-- non uniform red day (valentine's exchange
Feb 15-- skating day- leaving school at 11:45am, ice time is noon
Feb 17-- Book report project due
Feb 19- Apostles Creed quiz
1. Spelling Unit 17 due Fri
The students also recited their Speech Arts poem today. Thank you for practicing with your children. It was really neat to hear all the different poems. I will choose one person to recite their poem at the school assembly.
Upcoming important dates:
Friday-- non uniform red day (valentine's exchange
Feb 15-- skating day- leaving school at 11:45am, ice time is noon
Feb 17-- Book report project due
Feb 19- Apostles Creed quiz
1. Spelling Unit 17 due Fri
Feb 1
Happy Catholic Schools Week!!!
This week will be a short fun filled week celebrating our school and community. Today we focused on the most important pillar of our school, our faith. We wrote a prayer thanking God for the gift of Catholic education. Tomorrow is Crazy hair/hat day but students are still expected to wear their uniforms.
Book Fair will be open until tomorrow after school in the Parish Center. Primary students will be allowed to go during recess if they bring their money.
We finished Bible readings today with the exception of students who were absent. Just a reminder that poems are being presented on Feb. 10. Poems must be memorized.
No spelling this week.
No school Thursday, Friday this week and Monday next week.
1. Backwards Poem rough draft
Jan 29
Our choir is singing at the 11am mass, followed by pancake breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus. The school will be open from 12:30-2:30 with demonstrations and activities in the various classrooms. Ours will be at 12:45 in the Grade Three class :) As well as free popcorn provided by our Christian Servers. Hope to see you most of you there.
The blue re-registration forms that went home need to be handed back in with a $50 re-registration fee per family not per child. Please hand these forms in as soon as possible.
We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week next week, with Silly hat/hair day on Tuesday and silly socks/shoes on Wednesday.
No spelling next week due to a very short week. We will resume the bible readings on Monday as we only got through a few today. Just a reminder that poems will be recited in class on Feb 10.
Please send skating permission slips and rental fees back to school. A letter of correction went home stating that skate rentals are now $3.25 per visit and helmets are $1.75 per visit. If your child needs both for both sessions, it will be $10 total.
Jan 25
We are working on organization skills! Some students have had their "desk contents" put in a bin as the inside of their desk was a mess! When they can prove that they can put papers away properly and keep their bins clean, they can have their things back inside their desks. We are also working on organizing our time. Below you will notice that the homework has different due dates. I explained to them the importance of using our time wisely. Start with the assignments that we started in class and that are due the next day. Please ensure that their assignments are not left at home so that they can work on them in class during work time.
Wednesday is Dress Up like a Book Character Day.
1. Sp Unit 16 (WTW #1-5, WP #2,3, CH#1-3) Due Thurs
2. Adj w/s (pgs 40-43) due Wed
3. Math w/s due TOM.
4. Food poem good copy due TOM
5. Sp Unit 15 corrections due TOM
Wednesday is Dress Up like a Book Character Day.
1. Sp Unit 16 (WTW #1-5, WP #2,3, CH#1-3) Due Thurs
2. Adj w/s (pgs 40-43) due Wed
3. Math w/s due TOM.
4. Food poem good copy due TOM
5. Sp Unit 15 corrections due TOM
Jan 21
I understand how obsessed students are about Shopkins. I have a six year old daughter who loves to play with them, however, I have had to put a stop on bringing them in the classroom. They are a big distraction with the students and even with the "keep them in your backpack" rule, students still play with them during class time. I am asking they no longer bring them to school for the time being. We can call it a "cooling down period". If Shopkins are found in the desks, I will take them and a parent/guardian will need to come and claim them. If it wasn't such an issue in the class, I would not take this type of measure, however, I am finding that some students are not listening to the lessons and are staring at the shopkins catalogs or playing in their desks instead. Thank you for your cooperation
Apostle's Creed test on Feb 19. We have been working on the Apostles Creed booklet, so students should be familiar with it, as well, I sent a sheet home with the words on it today.
1. Alliteration page
2. Acrostic poem
3. Math problems 4-7
4. Music title page (for Mrs. Mar)
Apostle's Creed test on Feb 19. We have been working on the Apostles Creed booklet, so students should be familiar with it, as well, I sent a sheet home with the words on it today.
1. Alliteration page
2. Acrostic poem
3. Math problems 4-7
4. Music title page (for Mrs. Mar)
Jan 19
We are starting our poetry unit in Writing this week. This will give the students a chance to explore poems and also to write and create their own. If they have not yet chosen a poem for Speech Arts, they must do so by Friday. I also need the name of their novel for their book report project by Friday.
1. Sp Unit 15 (WTW #1-3; WP #1-3); CH #1-3) due Thurs
2. Novel study connection sheet
3. Novel study Ch 2-3 questions
4. Math w/s
5. Sci- 5 illustrations
Just a quick note about classroom work habits: If you find that your child has more than 20 minutes of homework today, please talk to them about the work time given in class. We had half an hour before lunch to complete work, as well as another half hour at the end of the day to do more work. If your child consistently has more than 40 minutes of homework a day, we should have a meeting.
1. Sp Unit 15 (WTW #1-3; WP #1-3); CH #1-3) due Thurs
2. Novel study connection sheet
3. Novel study Ch 2-3 questions
4. Math w/s
5. Sci- 5 illustrations
Just a quick note about classroom work habits: If you find that your child has more than 20 minutes of homework today, please talk to them about the work time given in class. We had half an hour before lunch to complete work, as well as another half hour at the end of the day to do more work. If your child consistently has more than 40 minutes of homework a day, we should have a meeting.
Jan 12
And we are off running! Wow! It's only Tuesday and we are B.U.S.Y. I have handed out some term projects and assignments this week, so please look closely at the important dates at the bottom.
We have started regrouping with three digits in math and students would benefit from extra practice with this. It is our goal to start multiplication before spring break in March. We are studying the Apostle's Creed in Religion and students are expected to memorize the words. We will have a quiz on the words in February (exact date to be announced). In language arts, we are working on paragraph writing. At this time, grade threes are expected to use capitals and punctuation marks EVERY single time. This is non-negotiable. In Socials studies, we are doing mapping skills and will be learning about continents and oceans. This ties nicely with Science, where we are going to be learning about landforms and doing an in-school project with the Chromebooks regarding this topic.
Important Dates:
Tomorrow is NOT a non-uniform day. Please come in your uniform
Jan 22: Due date to let Mrs. Fonseca know your novel for book report and poem title for Speech Arts
Jan 28-29: Bible readings in class
Jan 31: Open house and Pancake breakfast after 11 am Mass
Feb 1-3: Catholic Schools Week (activities TBD)
Feb 4-5: No school-- Teachers conference
Feb 10: Poetry recitations in class
Feb 12: Adoration and Confession for our class
Feb 17: Term Book report due
Feb 25-26: Student Led conferences
1. Sp. Unit 14-- due THURS (WTW 1-4, WP 1-4, CH 1-3)
2. Comm Skills pg. 47, 51-53-- due FRI
3. Math w/s
4. Creed booklet-- due FRI
5. SP Test book signed, Unit 13 corrections
We have started regrouping with three digits in math and students would benefit from extra practice with this. It is our goal to start multiplication before spring break in March. We are studying the Apostle's Creed in Religion and students are expected to memorize the words. We will have a quiz on the words in February (exact date to be announced). In language arts, we are working on paragraph writing. At this time, grade threes are expected to use capitals and punctuation marks EVERY single time. This is non-negotiable. In Socials studies, we are doing mapping skills and will be learning about continents and oceans. This ties nicely with Science, where we are going to be learning about landforms and doing an in-school project with the Chromebooks regarding this topic.
Important Dates:
Tomorrow is NOT a non-uniform day. Please come in your uniform
Jan 22: Due date to let Mrs. Fonseca know your novel for book report and poem title for Speech Arts
Jan 28-29: Bible readings in class
Jan 31: Open house and Pancake breakfast after 11 am Mass
Feb 1-3: Catholic Schools Week (activities TBD)
Feb 4-5: No school-- Teachers conference
Feb 10: Poetry recitations in class
Feb 12: Adoration and Confession for our class
Feb 17: Term Book report due
Feb 25-26: Student Led conferences
1. Sp. Unit 14-- due THURS (WTW 1-4, WP 1-4, CH 1-3)
2. Comm Skills pg. 47, 51-53-- due FRI
3. Math w/s
4. Creed booklet-- due FRI
5. SP Test book signed, Unit 13 corrections
Jan 5
1. Sp Unit 12 due THURS
2. Winter break snapshots due tomorrow
3. Math w/s
Have a good evening!
1. Sp Unit 12 due THURS
2. Winter break snapshots due tomorrow
3. Math w/s
Have a good evening!
Welcome Back-- Jan 4
I hope you all had a great two weeks with your families. The Christmas season is always so magical. I thought that nothing beats the feeling of being a child at Christmas time, but to be honest, I find creating that magic for my own children to be more fun. (Even if it is a little stressful at times!)
With the new year, comes some new routines and new topics. Our spelling units are now due on Thursday, instead of Friday so that we can go over the activities together. We are also continuing with Weekly Progress Reports this week.
1. Sp Unit 13 (WTW #1,2; WP #1-3; CH #1,2,5)-- DUE THURS
2. Winter Snapshots-- DUE WED
3. Math w/s (subtraction)-- due tom
4. My top ten favourite things about 2015-- due tom
With the new year, comes some new routines and new topics. Our spelling units are now due on Thursday, instead of Friday so that we can go over the activities together. We are also continuing with Weekly Progress Reports this week.
1. Sp Unit 13 (WTW #1,2; WP #1-3; CH #1,2,5)-- DUE THURS
2. Winter Snapshots-- DUE WED
3. Math w/s (subtraction)-- due tom
4. My top ten favourite things about 2015-- due tom
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